"- Let's go.
- We can't
- Why not?
- We're waiting for Godot.
- Ah!"
E' questo il ritornello che passa inizialmente inosservato per diventare via via spassoso, di questa tragicommedia in due atti in cui ... non succede niente. Due volte (per citare la quarta di copertina di questa edizione).
Edizione imprescindibilmente commentata. La presentazione e le note a margine del testo hanno rappresentato l'utile e necessaria guida per la lettura di un genere che non è di immediata immedesimazione.
Divertente e interessante lettura, in cui il primo atto - che apre perplessità, risulta poco coinvolgente e appare lento e noioso - prepara al secondo atto, nel quale ancora non succede nulla, ma si svela l'umorismo amaro dell'attesa.
Una specie di Deserto dei Tartari senza un'oggetto. Attesa fine a sè stessa, che contraddistingue l'esistenza umana.
Un capolavoro di stile, ritmo, pause (lunghe, interminabili pause), silenzi che devono essere riempiti, un continuo cadere e restare immobili.
Estragon e Vladimir sono una persona sola. I loro dialoghi-monologhi, i loro scambi di battute rapidi e stringati sono riflessioni e non-sense che scaturiscono da una sola persona, dialoghi interiori.
Pozzo e Lucky, il potere e la sottomissione, la crudeltà e la sofferenza.
E. People are bloody ignorant apes (p. 46, Act I, 156)
E. We've lost our rights?
V. We've got rid of them. (p. 54, Act I, 361-362)
E. We're not from these parts, sir.
P. You are human beings none the less. As far as one caon see. Of the same species as myself.
(p. 59, Act I, 486-189)
P. I don't seem to be able ... ... to depart.
E. Such is life. (p. 91, Act I, 1300-1302)
V. That passed the time
E. it would have passed in any case.
V. Yes, but not so rapidly. (p.92, Act I, 1322-1324)
V. That means nothing. I too pretended not to recognize them.
And then nobody ever recognizes us. (p.93, Act I, 1349-1350)
V. [...] You're not going to compare yourself to Christ!
E. All my life I've compared myself to him.
V. But where he lived it was warm, it was dry!
E. Yes, and they crucified quick. (p.98, Act I, 1487-1491)
- Well, shall we go?
- Yes, let's go
(They do not move)
E. Don't touch me! Don't question me! Don't speak to me! stay with me.
V. Did I ever leave you?
E. You let me go. (p. 122, Act II, 48-51)
E. Another day done with.
V. Not yet.
E. For me it's over and done with, no matter what happens. [...] (p. 123, Act II, 59-62)
E. I tell you I wasn't doing anything.
V. Perhaps you weren't. But it's the way of doing it that counts,
the way of doing it, if you want to go on living. (p. 124, Act II, 92-94)
Vladimir: How time flies when one has fun! (p. 142, Act II, 656)
V. [...]Yes, in this immense confusion one thing alone is clear. We are waiting for Godot to come - (p.147, Act II, 796-797)
- Well? Shall we go?
- Yes, let's go
(They do not move)
Un classico da leggere, un classico da apprezzare.
Mi è piaciuto.
E. People are bloody ignorant apes (p. 46, Act I, 156)
E. We've lost our rights?
V. We've got rid of them. (p. 54, Act I, 361-362)
E. We're not from these parts, sir.
P. You are human beings none the less. As far as one caon see. Of the same species as myself.
(p. 59, Act I, 486-189)
P. I don't seem to be able ... ... to depart.
E. Such is life. (p. 91, Act I, 1300-1302)
V. That passed the time
E. it would have passed in any case.
V. Yes, but not so rapidly. (p.92, Act I, 1322-1324)
V. That means nothing. I too pretended not to recognize them.
And then nobody ever recognizes us. (p.93, Act I, 1349-1350)
V. [...] You're not going to compare yourself to Christ!
E. All my life I've compared myself to him.
V. But where he lived it was warm, it was dry!
E. Yes, and they crucified quick. (p.98, Act I, 1487-1491)
- Well, shall we go?
- Yes, let's go
(They do not move)
E. Don't touch me! Don't question me! Don't speak to me! stay with me.
V. Did I ever leave you?
E. You let me go. (p. 122, Act II, 48-51)
E. Another day done with.
V. Not yet.
E. For me it's over and done with, no matter what happens. [...] (p. 123, Act II, 59-62)
E. I tell you I wasn't doing anything.
V. Perhaps you weren't. But it's the way of doing it that counts,
the way of doing it, if you want to go on living. (p. 124, Act II, 92-94)
Vladimir: How time flies when one has fun! (p. 142, Act II, 656)
V. [...]Yes, in this immense confusion one thing alone is clear. We are waiting for Godot to come - (p.147, Act II, 796-797)
- Well? Shall we go?
- Yes, let's go
(They do not move)
Un classico da leggere, un classico da apprezzare.
Mi è piaciuto.
Beckett Directs Beckett: Waiting for Godot
Part 1 - Beckett Samuel
Part 1 - Beckett Samuel
Beckett Directs Beckett: Waiting for Godot
Part 2 - Beckett Samuel
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